QuiqTax made simple

Filing your tax is as easy as

It‘s Fast. It’s Easy, It‘s Secure & It’s done by an Expert.

QuiqTax is  the fastest & secure way to a file your tax return. Tax Experts are here to help. Reasonable flat fees. Free IRS Federal State Filing* 100% Accurate Preparation.

1- Download the App


QuiqTax Signup process is painless, simple and easy.

Get Started today— it only takes a minute. … Simply download the App for iOS or Android. Select the service you require.


2 – Upload Documents


With Bank-level data encryption secures your files in transit and at rest.

Easily access, send and sync. No cumbersome FTP, CDs or thumb drives required.

We’ll send you a secure link, It allow you to get us data in easier to use formats and same day transfers as opposed to overnight packages.

Trust us to provide the support you need to maintain regulatory compliance with the guidelines affecting your industry— HIPAA, HITECH, FINRA, CFPB, bar association ethics rules and more.


3 – Let a Tax Professionals do the work


Real people, Real Tax Professionals.

Sit back and relax while a qualified tax professional prepare your Federal & State tax returns. It will typically take 24-48 hours to get you all the credits & deductions you qualify for.

We offer industry expertise that comes with accessibility, responsiveness and personal interaction.



Download the QuiqTax App on iPhone or Android

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